
Which Is The Best Conclusion One Could Draw About Della And Jim

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The story "The gift of the magi" takes place on a unmarried day, Christmas Eve, and illustrates the love that a immature couple has for one some other. They exercise not let their poverty come in the fashion of giving each other befitting gifts for Christmas. Both sell their most treasured possession to buy a souvenir for the other. This sacrifice adds a greater value to the gifts. Magi were wise men, who brought gifts for Jesus when He was born in the manger.

The souvenir of the magi important questiom-answers for upcoming Examination

The gift of the magi Summary-Paragraph wise

Monetary Woes

On Christmas Eve, Della counted the coin she had saved. It totaled to i dollar and 80-7 cents. In that location were pennies worth sixty cents and most of information technology was acquired later on bargaining with the grocer, vegetable man and butcher. The realization that she has simply a meager amount makes Della flop downward on the couch and cry. Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles with sniffles predominating.

An Overview of the Flat

Della's home is a furnished flat costing a rent of $8 per week. The letterbox was not-functional and and so was the electric bell. There was a nameplate bearing the name 'Mr. James Dillingham Young'. James Dillingham Young known every bit Jim used to earn $30a week before now he earns $twenty a week. Whenever Jim returns domicile, he is greeted with great affection past Della.

Gift Dilemma

After a proficient cry, Della composes herself and powders her face. She looks out of the window and sees a gray cat walking a gray debate in a gray backyard. Despite saving for months, she only had $1.87 to buy Jim a nowadays. She had planned to buy him a special present, worthy of the honour of being owned by Jim. Viewing her reflection in the pier-glass gives her an idea. She pulled downwards her hair and let it autumn to its total length.

Prized Possessions of the Youngs

There were two prized possessions in the Young household in which both of them took pride. One was Jim's gold watch, handed down to him past his begetter, which was passed down to him by his begetter. The other was Della's hair. The author says that the queen of Sheba would take been envious of Della's hair, had she lived in the apartment beyond the airshaft. If Male monarch Solomon was the janitor, he would be envious of Jim's watch. At present Della'south pilus rippled and shone like a cascade of brown waters. It brutal below her knees. She tied information technology up quickly and nervously.

The Perfect Gift

She got dressed and went outside. She went to Madame Sofronie's shop where hair goods were available. She seeks to sell her hair. MadameSofronie looks at her hair and buys it for $ 20.Afterward selling her hair, Della takes the money and goes shopping. Finally, she finds the perfect souvenir, a platinum fox chain, simple and chaste in design. She liked it the moment she fix optics on it all knew that information technology must be Jim's. It was bereft of unnecessary ornamentation, repose and valuable, like Jim. She bought it for twenty-one dollars. Information technology could supervene upon the sometime leather strap that Jim used, instead of a chain.

Getting Prepared

When Della reached home, she used her curling irons on her newly cut pilus. Soon she had tiny close-lying curls that fabricated her resemble a truant schoolboy. She gives her reflection in the mirror a long, careful and critical expect. She wonders if Jim would be angry at her. By 7 pm she got coffee ready and the frying pan was hot and ready, on the stove, to cook chops for dinner. Della kept the fob chain in her hand and awaited her married man'south inflow. Hearing his steps on the stairs, she paled for a moment and prayed that Jim would still recollect that she was pretty. The door opened and Jim entered. He was a swain of 22, thin and very serious. He was also young to exist encumbered with a family unit. He needed an overcoat and he was without gloves.


Jim stopped inside the door with his eyes fixed on Della and an unreadable expression in them. This terrified Della. She cried out that she had got her pilus cut and sold so that she could raise money to buy a Christmas nowadays for him. She adds that her hair grows fast and they should be happy. Jim repeatedly asks her if she has cutting off her hair, as though he cannot accept the fact. Della tells him that she is the aforementioned, even without her hair and she sold it for him.

She says that the hair on her caput was numbered only her love for him is beyond count. Jim comes out of his trance-like land and hugs his wife. A wealth of love makes up for material poverty. Taking out a package from his overcoat pocket, he throws information technology on the table. He says that the haircut doesn't reduce his love for her just if she saw what was in the package, she would understand his reaction.

Della's Present

Della unwrapped the packet and screamed with joy at its contents. This joyous flare-up was speedily replaced by tears and wails, prompting Jim to comfort her. In the package was a gear up of beautiful combs, made from pure tortoiseshell, with jewelled rims. They were expensive and just the right shade to adorn her vanished tresses. She had long admired them in a Broadway window; craved and yearned for them without hope of possession. They were hers at present, but her hair was gone. She hugged them to her bosom and after a while said that her hair would abound back fast.

Jim's Present

She realized that Jim hadn't seen his present yet. She held it out to him eagerly in her open palm and asked him for his watch to see how the chain looked on information technology. Instead of giving her the watch, Jim sat on the couch and told her that they should keep their Christmas presents abroad for a while. They were too nice to exist used at the time. He had sold the scout to pay for her combs.

The Magi

The magi were wise men who brought gifts for Jesus, when he was born, in the manger. They invented the fine art of giving Christmas presents. The magi were wise men capable of giving wise gifts. The narrator ends by maxim that he has related the tale of 2 foolish children who unwisely sacrificed their greatest treasure for each other. Yet, these two are the wisest among all who practice the art of gifting. They gave up their nearly precious possessions to requite each other the best Christmas gift. All those who requite gifts similar Jim and Della did are the magi and the wisest people.

Sita summary by Toru Dutt with Question and Answer

Chapter Highlights of the gift of the magi

  1. The story follows Jim and Della, a young couple who are not very well off financially and live in a rented flat.
  2. It is Christmas Eve and Della wants to give Jim a gift-worthy of him. Despite saving for months, she has managed to put away only $ 1.87.
  3. There are ii prized possessions in the Young household; Della's pilus and Jim's aureate sentry handed down to him by his father and grandfather.
  4. Della decides to sell her beautiful long pilus to buy a gift for Jim.
  5. She sells her hair for $ 20 to Madame Sofronie.
  6. She buys a simple platinum fob chain for Jim's gold watch for $ 21.
  7. Della returns domicile and awaits Jim'southward inflow from work.
  8. The moment Jim sees her, he is in a trance-like land and tin't take in the fact that her hair is not there.
  9. Della understands Jim's reaction one time she sees the gift he got for her: a set of expensive, tortoiseshell combs that she had been admiring for a long time.
  10. When Jim sees the gift she bought for him, he says that he sold his watch to buy combs for her.
  11. The magi were wise men who started the practice of giving gifts at Christmas.
  12. Della and Jim, are very wise in that they sacrificed their prized possessions to give each other the best Christmas gift.

The Souvenir of The Magi Questions-Answers

Answer the post-obit Questions: 1 Mark

ane.Why was Della saving up her money for? 2019

Ans. Della was saving her coin to purchase a Christmas gift for her husband, Jim.

  1. Where did Della look at her reflection?

Ans. Della looked at her reflection in the pier-glass between the windows of the room.

  1. Who would the queen of Sheba exist jealous of?

Ans. If the queen of Sheba lived in the apartment across the airshaft, she would be jealous of Della's beautiful long hair.

  1. Where did Della run to after looking at her reflection in the pier-glass?

Ans. After looking at her reflection in the pier-drinking glass, Della ran out of her apartment to Madame Sofronie's institution, where hair goods of all kinds were bought snd sold.

  1. How much coin did Madame offer Della for her hair?

Ans. Subsequently assessing Della's hair, Madame Sofronie offered her twenty dollars for her hair.

  1. What was the present that Della chose for Jim?the gift of the magi story? (The gift of the magi story)

Ans. After ransacking shops for 2 hours, Della chose a unproblematic and chaste platinum fob chain for Jim's gold watch.

  1. How did she wait later on the 'repair' of her hair?

Ans. She undertook the 'repair' of her hair past crimper her pilus with curling irons. Soon she had shut-cropped curls, that made her expect like a truant schoolboy.

  1. How old was Jim and how did he look?

Ans. Jim was twenty-two years sometime. He looked thin and very serious.

  1. How much was Della able to salvage?

Ans. Later on several months of saving, Della was able to relieve ane dollar and eighty-seven cents.

  1. Who is 'Jim'?

Ans. 'Jim' was the loving hubby of Della.

  1. What is Jim's full proper noun?

Ans. Jim's total name was James Dillingham Immature.

  1. Whose name does the card bear?

Ans. The card bears the name of "Mr James Dillingham Young ".

  1. How much was the income of the possessor of the carte du jour earlier?

Ans. Earlier James Dillingham Young used to earn xxx dollars a week.

  1. How much is his income at present?

Ans. He earns twenty dollars a calendar week now.

  1. Who is "Dell"?

Ans. "Dell" is Della, i.e. Mrs. James Dillingham Young, married woman of Jim.

  1. How much is the rent of the flat?

Ans. The rent of the flat is viii dollars a week.

  1. Who is the 'mistress of the habitation'?

Ans. Della is the mistress of the dwelling.

  1. Requite the meaning of the following words:

Ans. Bulldozing- use force insensitively when dealing with someone or something

Imputation- allegation

Parsimony- extreme unwillingness to spend money

Sniffles- sniff slightly or repeatedly

Mendicancy- the status of existence a beggar or begging

Vestibule- lobby next to the outer door of a edifice

Blurred- not clear

Sterling- excellent or valuable

Whirled- moved rapidly

Janitor- caretaker or doorkeeper of the building

Green-eyed- jealousy

Cascade- a pocket-sized waterfall

Faltered- hesitated

Splashed- caused liquid to autumn on something

Sparkled- shone

Hashed- chopped into modest pieces and cooked once more

Ransacked- become through a identify to steal things or cause damage, search thoroughly

Meretricious- obviously attractive simply without whatever real value

Sly- cunning

Ravages- subversive effects of something

Mammoth- huge

Truant- being absent

Setter- a large long-haired dog trained to stand rigid when scenting game

Quail- a small-scale bird

Patent- sole right, obvious

Trance- an induced half-unconscious state

Discreet- careful and prudent in spoken language or actions

Scrutiny- critical observation

Nimble- quick and low-cal in movement

Coveted- greatly desired

Adornments- decorations

Singed- slightly burnt

Ardent- enthusiastic or passionate

Bully- a homo concerned with looking stylish, excellent

Manger- a long tray or trough from which cattle feed

Chronicle- a factual written account

Answer the following Questions 2 Marks

  1. Who were the Magi? 2022

Ans. The Magi were wise men, who came from the Due east and visited Jesus after his nativity, in Bethlehem. They brought with them gifts of golden, frankincense and myrrh.

  1. Why was Della worried?

Ans. Della was worried because she despite saving for months, she didn't have plenty money to buy a Christmas present for her husband, Jim. All she had was $ 1.87.

  1. What did Jim practise to get a gift for Della? 2022 2022

Ans. Jim was the proud owner of a gold picket handed downward to him past his father and grandfather. He sold this spotter to go money to buy a souvenir for Della since he didn't have sufficient coin to buy a befitting gift for her.

  1. What was Jim's reaction when he returned abode?

Ans. When Jim returned home and prepare eyes on Della, he stood as even so as a hunting dog would at the scent of game. He stared at her with a peculiar expression on his face and it terrified her non to be able to empathize the expression in his eyes. It was not anything that she had predictable.

  1. Why did Della count her money three times?

Ans. Della counted her coin three times because she could not believe that information technology was then less, despite having saved for months to buy a Christmas gift for her married man, Jim. She had only one dollar and eighty-vii cents, which was non sufficient to buy aa gift advisable for Jim.

  1. What did Della do later on she realized she had very picayune money with her?

Ans. Della was very disappointed at the scarcity of her funds for buying Jim a present for Christmas. She flopped down on the couch and had a good cry, afterwards which she got up and composed herself. Glancing at her reflection in the pier-glass, gave her an thought on how she could enhance coin past selling her beautiful long hair.

  1. How did della go the i.87 Cents in souvenir of the magi

Ans. Della got the 1.87 Cents in the gift of the magi by bargaining with the people who provided provisions like the grocery, the butcher, and the vegetable human.

  1. What makes the author come to the decision that 'life is made upwards of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating'?

Ans. Della's disappointment and subsequent tears led the writer to conclude that life has its share of ups and downs. There are joyful times and sad times, but the sorry occasions outnumber the joyous occasions.

  1. Describe Della'southward flat?

Ans. Della lived in a furnished flat, which cost $ 8 per calendar week. The flat was not extraordinary to be described and had the advent of something lacking and inadequate. In the lobby below was a letterbox in which messages could not be inserted and an electrical bell which did non band. The apartment had a few things like a shabby footling couch, pier-drinking glass between the windows and a worn carpet. It also had a card with the name, 'James Dillingham Young'.

  1. Why did everything look grayness to Della that morning?

Ans. That morn Della was upset as she lacked sufficient funds to buy a worthy Christmas present for Jim. She was upset and sad. The colour gray is an emotionless colour often associated with loss or depression. Hence, everything looked grey to Della that morning.

  1. What had Della planned all along?

Ans. Della had planned to buy a nice, fine, rare and sterling present for Jim on the occasion of Christmas. She wanted to be worthy of the honour of being endemic by Jim. She had spent hours in happy thoughts almost this and had been saving upward for several months.

  1. What idea came to Della'south mind as she stood looking at her reflection in the pier-glass?

Ans. As Della stood looking at her reflection in the pier-glass, an idea came to her listen, which brightened upward her face and made her eyes shine. She thought of selling one of their prized possessions, her beautiful hair, which was very long and fell beneath her knees. This auction would enable her to get plenty coin to buy a practiced gift for Jim.

  1. What were the ii possessions of the James Dillingham Immature of which they both were very proud? 2022

Ans. There were two prized possessions in the Immature household in which both of them took great pride. One was Jim'southward aureate watch, a family heirloom, handed down to him by his father, which in plough was passed downward to him past his father. The other was Della's beautiful long hair shining and rippling, that fell below her knees.

  1. What was plenty for Jim to do to make King Solomon envious?

Ans. King Solomon was the king of Israel,  known for his wisdom and bully wealth. The writer says that if King Solomon had been the janitor with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his gold watch every fourth dimension he passed, to make him envious.

  1. Why do y'all think, Della has the 'bright sparkle still in her eyes' even equally she ran out of the door and into the street?

Ans. Della looked at her reflection in the pier-glass and an thought came to her. This brightened up her face and made her eyes polish. She thought of selling her beautiful pilus, which was very long and vicious beneath her knees. This sale would enable her to go enough money to buy a expert gift for Jim. Happy at finding a solution to her problem, she rushes out of her flat to accomplish the sale of her hair.

  1. What did Della ask Madame Sofronie and what was her respond? 2022

Ans. Madame Sofronie owns a shop which sells hair goods of all kinds. Della asked her if she would buy her hair. The proprietor asked her to remove her chapeau and show her hair. Madame Sofronie does not show that she is impressed by Della's gorgeous hair and offers to pay twenty dollars for it.

  1. Did Della bargain with Madame about the toll of her pilus? What did she say to her, then?

Ans. Della did not deal with Madame about the price of her hair. One time Madame Sofronie assesses her hair and offers to pay twenty dollars for it, Della tells her to give information technology to her speedily. Della wants the transaction to have place soon as it is Christmas Eve and she wants to purchase a souvenir for Jim.

  1. Why was the souvenir chosen past Della for Jim 'similar him'?

Ans. After two hours of searching for the perfect gift, Della finally finds what she had been looking for. The object in concern was a simple platinum trick chain, without any decorative elements to enhance its appearance. The chain was similar Jim in quietness and value. The chain was uncomplicated and proclaimed its value by substance alone without any ornamentation. Jim had a quiet strength in him and was worthy because of the many sterling qualities in him.

  1. Once home, what did Della do to 'repair' her looks?

Ans. Upon reaching dwelling, Della idea that earlier Jim saw her, it would be wise to 'repair' her looks after the loss of her cute hair. She used her crimper irons to give herself a head full of tiny curls. This made her look like a truant schoolboy.

  1. What did Della call up Jim would say to her about the mode she looked now? 2022

Ans. Della thinks that if Jim didn't kill her, he would say that she looked like a Coney Isle chorus girl. Coney Island is a tourist destination in New York known for its amusement park. A chorus girl is a part of a singing group. At that time, chorus girls had brusk hair.

  1. What habit did Della have and what did she whisper about when she heard Jim'due south steps on the stairs?

Ans. Della had the habit of maxim a silent prayer near simple things in daily life. When she heard Jim's steps on the stairs, she prayed that he would think that she is nevertheless pretty even though her crowning glory, her hair, had vanished.

  1. How did Jim behave when he stepped inside the room?

Ans. One time Jim stepped within the room and airtight the door, he stopped right in his tracks. On seeing Della, he stood equally withal as a hunting dog would at the scent of game. He stared at her with a peculiar expression on his confront and it terrified her non to exist able to understand the expression in his eyes.

  1. What did Della call back was the reason for Jim's odd behaviour?

Ans. Jim reacted to Della's haircut in a fashion that she had non anticipated at all. He only kept looking at her with a peculiar expression. Della thought that the reason for Jim's odd behaviour was his disappointment at her haircut.  She assured him that information technology would grow back once more.

  1. How did Della try to coax Jim into thinking that she was still pretty?

Ans. Della said that her hair grew very fast and it would shortly abound out. She too said that she is the same even without her hair and reminded him that he likes her every bit she is.

  1. How was the hair of Della?

Ans. Della had long hair which fell beneath her knees. The length of her hair made it appear similar a garment for her. Information technology rippled and shone like a cascade of brown waters. Della'south beautiful hair was one of the prized possessions of the Young household.

  1. Why was Della worried that Jim would exist displeased? 2022

Ans. Della was worried that Jim would exist displeased well-nigh her selling her hair because her pilus was a matter of pride for both of them. In addition, her new short hair might draw comparisons with a Coney Island chorus girl.

  1. What did Della do afterward reaching home? 2022

Ans. Afterward reaching home, Della thought that before Jim saw her, it would be wise to 'repair' her looks subsequently the loss of her beautiful pilus. She used her curling irons to give herself a head full of tiny curls. This made her look similar a truant schoolboy.

  1. What was the condition of the carte du jour which bore its owner's name?

Ans. The card was not in a good condition and they were thinking of shortening "Dillingham " to "D".

  1. Where did Della look at her reflection?

Ans. Della looked at her reflection in the pier-drinking glass between the windows of the room. Such glasses were unremarkably there in $8 flats. A thin person could see their reflection in the longitudinal strips.

  1. How sometime was Jim and how did he await?

Ans. Jim was twenty-2 years old. He looked thin and very serious.

  1. What is Jim'south answer to Della regarding her looks without her long pilus?

Ans. Jim tells Della that a haircut wouldn't reduce his honey for her. He loves her the aforementioned with or without her long hair.

  1. What lay in the bundle that Jim had bought for Della?

Ans. In the package, there was a set of combs that Della had been yearning for.  The combs were expensive, fabricated from tortoiseshell and just the right shade to wear in her tresses which she had sold.

Answer the post-obit Questions 4 Marks

  1. Bring out the relation between Della and the queen of Sheba.

Ans. The queen of Sheba ruled the kingdom of Sheba in Southwestern Arabia. She visited King Solomon, after hearing about his fame and his human relationship with God. She came to exam him with difficult questions. In comparing Della and the queen of Sheba, O. Henry tries to show that though the queen had everything, fifty-fifty she would be envious of Della's gorgeous hair. Della's pilus is so long that it falls below her knees. If the queen lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have let her hair hang out the window to belittle the queen'south swell wealth.

  1. Bring out the relation between Jim and King Solomon.

Ans. Male monarch Solomon was the son of Rex David and Bathsheba. He was the king of Israel,  known for his wisdom and great wealth. The writer says that if King Solomon had been the janitor with all his treasures piled upwards in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his gilt watch every time he passed, to brand him envious. Jim's gold lookout man was a family heirloom and was one of their prized possessions, of which both Della and he were proud of.

  1. Show how the 'twist in the tale' makes the story of Jim and Della a moral lesson. 2022

Ans. Jim and Della sacrificed their precious things to buy each other a plumbing fixtures gift. The gifts turned out to be of no use for both of them. Della could not use the set of combs that Jim bought for her every bit her hair was gone. Jim could not employ the fob chain equally he had sold his spotter to pay for her combs. This 'twist in the tale' tells us about the true meaning of Christmas, honey and sacrifice. For God so loved the earth that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life. O. Henry's story brings the essence of love and sacrifice out in the tale of Jim and Della.

  1. Examine the significance and appropriateness of the title of the story.

Ans. The title is both significant and appropriate. The Magi were wise men, who came from the East and visited Jesus after His nascency, in Bethlehem. They brought with them gifts of gilded, frankincense and myrrh. The magi invented the art of giving Christmas presents. They were wise men capable of giving wise gifts. Jim and Della are the wisest among all who practice the art of gifting. They gave up their most precious possessions to give each other the best Christmas souvenir. All those who give gifts similar Jim and Della did are the magi and the wisest people.

  1. Based on the events, attempt a justification of the story as an example of comic irony.

Ans. The story 'The Gift of the Magi' can be seen as an instance of comic irony. There are several instances reflected in the story. Diana is described as slender, but she has behaved like a bulldozer while bargaining with those who she buys kitchen supplies from. It is also ironic that the gifts Jim and Della bought for each other cannot be used at the moment, and accept to be kept away till a certain time in the hereafter.  Jim and Della are compared to King  Solomon and the queen of Sheba, who were famous rulers, lacked nothing and had arable wealth. Jim and Della despite fabric poverty had a wealth of love in their human relationship.

  1. How did the next 2 hours pass by for Della?

Ans. The next two hours passed very swiftly for Della. She had caused money after selling her hair and she had in the past spent many a happy hr contemplating buying a nice gift for Jim. At present that she has the money, nothing is preventing her from getting something suitable for him. She goes to several shops and searches for the perfect gift, something worthy of the laurels of being owned by Jim. Her search eventually bears fruit and she finds the right souvenir for him- a simple platinum fob chain that he can use with his aureate watch.

  1. Why did Jim's expression terrify Della?

Ans. When Jim entered the flat, he closed the door and stopped right in his tracks. On seeing Della, he stood as however as a hunting dog would at the smell of game. He stared at her with a peculiar expression on his face up and it terrified her non to be able to understand the expression in his eyes. It was non anger, surprise, disapproval, horror or whatsoever of the sentiments that she had prepared for.

  1. Why did Della rapidly change from existence joyous to crying hysterically?

Ans. When Della opened Jim's gift, she was ecstatic to run across the set of beautiful tortoiseshell combs and gave a joyful weep. She had worshipped them in a Broadway shop window and craved for it without the least hope of ever owning it.  The realization that the long-coveted combs were hers fabricated her joyous but farther realization that the beautiful pilus in which the combs could be worn were gone fabricated her hysterical.

  1. O' Henry calls Della and Jim '2 foolish children'. Practise yous think they are actually foolish? Why or why non?

Ans. O. Henry called Della and Jim two foolish children every bit they unwisely sacrificed the greatest treasures of their house for each other. They are non at all foolish every bit they accept made the sacrifice due to their love for one some other. They have prioritized love above material things. Though young, they tin can understand and value love above materialism. True love necessitates sacrifice and giving.

  1. Is the title of the story 'The Gift of the Magi' appropriate? Justify.

Ans.  The title of the story 'The Gift of the Magi' is appropriate. The Magi were wise men, who came from the East and visited Jesus after His birth, in Bethlehem. They brought with them gifts of gilded, frankincense and myrrh. The magi invented the fine art of giving Christmas presents. They were wise men capable of giving wise gifts. Jim and Della are the wisest among all who practice the fine art of gifting. They gave up their nigh precious possessions to give each other the best Christmas souvenir. All those who give gifts like Jim and Della did are the magi and the wisest people.

  1. Testify how the 'twist in the tale' makes the story of Jim and Della a moral lesson.

Ans. Jim and Della sacrificed their precious things to purchase each other a plumbing fixtures gift. The gifts turned out to be of no use for both of them. Della could not use the gear up of combs that Jim bought for her as her hair was gone. Jim could not utilize the fob chain as he had sold his picket to pay for her combs. This 'twist in the tale' tells us about the true meaning of Christmas, love and sacrifice. For God and then loved the world that He gave His just begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should non perish, only have eternal life. O. Henry'southward story brings out the essence of love and sacrifice in the tale of Jim and Della.

  1. What was the financial status of the two young couples?

Ans. Jim earns twenty dollars a week which isn't enough for them to meet all their requirements. They live in a flat for which they take to pay a hire of $8 every week. Della bargains while buying provisions for the house, then she tin salvage a bit there. Jim requires an overcoat and gloves. Della's clothes are one-time. The article of furniture in the flat is old and shabby. From all the above information given by the writer, nosotros tin see that their financial condition is not expert.

  1. Requite a description of the flat Della and Jim used to live in.

Ans. Della and Jim, were a young couple who lived in a furnished flat, which cost $ viii per calendar week. The flat was not boggling to be described and had the appearance of something lacking and inadequate. In the lobby below was a letterbox in which messages could not be inserted and an electric bell which did not ring. The flat had a few things similar a shabby little couch, pier-drinking glass between the windows, a table near the door and a worn carpet. It also had a card with the proper name, 'James Dillingham Young'.

  1. How does the narrator limited the pride of the couple for their possessions?

Ans. The narrator says that at that place are two things in their business firm that Jim and Della are proud of, Jim'due south golden lookout which is a family heirloom and Della's beautiful long hair.  If the queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would accept let her hair hang out the window to belittle the queen's great wealth.  If King Solomon had been the janitor with all his treasures piled upwards in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his gold watch every time he passed, to make him envious. Information technology is through these comparisons that the narrator expresses the pride of the couple for their possessions.

  1. How was the gift bought past Della for Jim?

Ans. The gift bought by Della for Jim was a simple platinum play a trick on concatenation, without any decorative elements to heighten its appearance. The chain was similar Jim in quietness and value. The concatenation was unproblematic and proclaimed its value by substance lonely without any ornamentation.

  1. What did Della say to Jim for cutting off her hair?

Ans. Della told Jim that she cut her hair for him then that she could buy a proficient souvenir for him with the coin raised.  She assured him that her hair grew very fast and it would soon grow out. She as well said that she is the same even without her hair and reminded him that he likes her equally she is.  She said that the pilus on her head was numbered only her love for him was beyond count.

  1. Why is it said that the gifts of the magi "were no doubt wise ones possibly bearing the privilege of exchange rather than duplication"?

Ans. The magi brought valuable gifts for Jesus when He was born. Since the wise men were wise, their gifts were wise ones. They were gifts of physical value and would be valued by anyone. They could exist exchanged or sold if two similar ones were received.

  1. Describe what Della does from the moment she decides to earn money for Jim's gift till the moment she earns information technology. 2022

Ans. Viewing her reflection in the pier drinking glass gives Della an idea. She pulled down her hair and let it autumn to its full length.  Now Della's pilus rippled and shone like a cascade of brown waters. It fell below her knees. She tied it upward apace and nervously. She got dressed and went outside. She went to Madame Sofronie's shop where hair appurtenances were available. She sought to sell her pilus. Madame Sofronie looked at her hair and bought it for $ 20.

Answer the following Questions 4 Marks

  1. Bring out the meaning inherent in this sentence: 'She stood by the window and looked out dully at a gray true cat walking a gray fence in a grey backyard'.

Ans. It is Christmas Eve and Della wants to buy a Christmas gift for Jim, that is worthy of him. On realizing that her savings constituting one dollar and eighty-seven cents will not serve the purpose, she is disappointed and cries. Subsequently a while, she stands by the window and looks out without interest at a gray cat walking a greyness fence in a gray lawn. The environment is colourless and lacks brightness. This is similar to Della'southward financial state of affairs.

  1. What moral lessons are stressed upon in 'The Souvenir of the Magi'? 2022

Ans. Jim and Della sacrificed their virtually precious possessions to buy each other a fitting gift. The gifts turned out to be of no use for both of them. Della could not utilize the fix of combs that Jim bought for her as her hair was gone. Jim could not use the fob chain as he had sold his picket to pay for her combs. The moral lesson here is  about the true meaning of Christmas, honey and cede. For God and then loved the globe that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should non perish, but have eternal life. O. Henry'due south story brings out the essence of love and cede in the tale of Jim and Della.

The Gift of The Magi Explicate with reference to the context (4 Marks):

  1. a) So Della did it. Which instigates the moral reflection that life is fabricated upwards of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating? 2022

Ans. The above lines are taken from O. Henry'southward short story, 'The Souvenir of the Magi'. It is Christmas Eve and Della wants to buy a special souvenir for Jim, that would be worthy of the honour of existence owned past him. She is disappointed to realize that all that she has is one dollar and lxxx seven cents. All that she could do was bomb down on the couch and have a expert weep. So she did it. This encourages the author to reverberate that there are both blithesome and pitiful times in life, merely the sad occasions outnumber the joyous ones.

(b) Await out dully at a greyness cat walking a gray argue in a gray backyard.

Ans. The above judgement is taken from O. Henry's short story, 'The Gift of the Magi'. It is Christmas Eve and Della wants to buy a Christmas gift for Jim, that is worthy of him. On realizing that her savings constituting one dollar and 80-seven cents will not serve the purpose, she is disappointed and cries. After a while, she stands by the window to looks out without interest at a gray cat walking a gray fence in a gray backyard. The dull environment outside is like to Della'southward own financial situation.

(c) Oh, and the side by side two hours passed by on rosy wings. Forget the hashed metaphor. She was ransacking the stores for Jim's nowadays.

Ans. The in a higher place lines are from O. Henry'due south brusk story, 'The Gift of the Magi'. Della received 20 dollars for her hair from Madame Sofronie and she goes to buy a Christmas present for Jim. The two hours that she spent shopping for Jim's souvenir passed very swiftly for Della. Information technology was back very pleasant fourth dimension for Della and information technology disappeared speedily. Past hashed metaphor, the writer ways something which is overused. He says to forget it because nothing can trip with a pair of wings. She went to several shops and kept on searching till she got what she wanted.

(d) She establish it at last. It surely had been made for Jim and no one else.

Ans. The above lines are from O. Henry'due south short story, 'The Gift of the Magi'. Armed with xx-one dollars and eighty-vii cents, Della is shopping for a gift for Jim, that is worthy of him. Finally, later going to several shops she finds a uncomplicated platinum play a trick on chain, proclaiming its value by substance and non past unnecessary decoration. She finds the fob chain so appropriate for Jim that she feels that it has been fabricated for him alone and no i else.

(e) it was similar him. Quietness and value – the description applied to both.

And. The above lines are from O. Henry'south short story, 'The Gift of the Magi'. Armed with twenty-one dollars and eighty-seven cents, Della is shopping for a gift for Jim, that is worthy of him. Finally, after going to several shops she finds a simple platinum trick chain. The concatenation was like Jim in quietness and value. The chain was uncomplicated and proclaimed its value by substance solitary without any decoration. Jim had a repose forcefulness in him and was worthy because of the many sterling qualities in him.

(f) But what could I do-oh! What could I do with a dollar and fourscore-seven cents?

Ans.  The above lines are spoken by Della and are from O. Henry'due south short story, 'The Gift of the Magi'. Della was worried that Jim would be displeased about her selling her hair because her hair was a matter of pride for both of them. In addition, her new brusque hair might draw comparisons with a Coney Island chorus girl. But there was trivial that she could practice with a dollar and eighty-seven cents.

(g) His eyes were stock-still upon Della, and there was an expression in them that she could non read, and it terrified her. It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor horror, nor any of the sentiments that she had been prepared for. He simply stared at her fixedly with that peculiar expression on his face.

Ans.  The above lines are from O. Henry'due south curt story, 'The Gift of the Magi'. They limited Jim'south reaction to Della'due south haircut. When Jim entered the flat, he closed the door, and stopped right in his tracks,  on seeing Della. He stared at her with a peculiar expression on his face and it terrified her not to be able to understand the expression in his eyes. It was non acrimony, surprise, disapproval, horror or whatever of the sentiments that she had prepared for.

(h) White fingers and nimble tore at the string and paper. And then an ecstatic scream of joy; so, alas! A quick feminine change to hysterical tears and wails, necessitating the immediate employment of all the comforting powers of the lord of the apartment.

Ans. The above lines are from O. Henry'south short story, 'The Gift of the Magi'. Della opens the souvenir Jim bought for her. She was ecstatic to see the set of beautiful tortoiseshell combs and gave a joyful weep. She had worshipped them in a Broadway shop window and craved for it without the least promise of ever owning it.  The realization that the long-coveted combs were hers made her joyous but farther realization that the beautiful hair in which the combs could be worn were gone made her hysterical. Seeing her in tears and wailing, Jim tried his all-time to comfort her.

(i) But in a lost word to the wise of these days allow information technology exist said that of all who gives gifts these two were the wisest. Of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are magi.

Ans. The above lines are from O. Henry's short story, 'The Gift of the Magi'. The author says that Jim and Della are wise because they have sacrificed their most precious possessions due to their dear for one another. They have prioritized dearest above fabric things. Though immature, they are able to empathise and value honey above materialism. Truthful beloved necessitates cede and giving. All those who give gifts similar Jim and Della did are the magi and the wisest people.

  1. j) "Dell," said he, "let's put our Christmas presents away and keep' em a while. They're too overnice to use just at present. 2022


Why did Jim say their presents were "too overnice to use just at present"?  2016

Ans. The above lines are spoken by Jim to Della in the brusk story, 'The Gift of the Magi' by O. Henry. It's Christmas Eve and Della and Jim have bought gifts for one another.  Della got a platinum fob chain for Jim to employ with his gold lookout. Jim bought a set of expensive tortoiseshell combs for Della to wear in her beautiful long hair. Della sold her hair and Jim sold his watch to get money to purchase gifts for each other. Hence, Jim says that their Christmas presents are too overnice to exist used at nowadays.

(k) Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood past the window and looked out dully at a grey true cat walking a gray fence in a grey backyard.    2017

Ans. The above lines are from O. Henry'due south short story, 'The Gift of the Magi'. Della had been saving for months to buy a good souvenir for Jim. She counts her savings and realizes that all she had is $1.87. Being disappointed, she has a practiced cry after which she powdered her confront and stood looking out of the window. She sees a gray cat walking a gray contend in a grayness backyard. The surroundings is boring and colourless, similar to her financial situation.

  1. Give a character analysis of Della.

Ans. Della is a young woman married to Jim, who she loves a lot. She wants to buy him a Christmas present worthy of him. She stays at home, while her husband goes to work. She has beautiful long hair that falls below her knees and is almost like a garment. We come up to know more than virtually Della than Jim considering we run into more than of her so Jim in the story. She doesn't remember twice earlier sacrificing her hair to get a good gift for Jim.

She is a resourceful person as nosotros encounter her repair the damage of the haircut by giving herself curls. She displays both joy and tears without inhibitions as we encounter on multiple occasions. The words 'bulldozer' and 'slender' both are used to draw her. She can exist tough when the state of affairs demands her to be so. In Della, nosotros observe a vibrant immature woman, who knows that love is far in a higher place materialistic things.

  1. Requite a graphic symbol analysis of Jim.

Ans. Jim is a boyfriend of twenty-two. He is thin and very serious. He goes to work and earns twenty dollars a week. He loves his wife and does not recollect earlier selling his precious gold lookout man, a family heirloom. He does it so he can buy her a set of expensive combs she has coveted and yearned for. He has a serenity forcefulness and many sterling qualities. Similar Della, he too puts love above materialistic things.

  1. Give a grapheme assay of Madame Sofronie.

Ans. Madame Sofronie is the owner of a shop that sells all kinds of hair goods. She is described every bit large, also white, chilly and unlike the 'Sofronie'. She's fatty, despite being in the business of dazzler. She might be a foreigner. She lacks warmth in her behaviour. Sofronie of Cioara was a Romanian  Orthodox saint. There is nothing saintly about Madame. In a single judgement, O. Henry has said much nigh Madame Sofronie. She as well doesn't evidence whatever signs of being impressed by Della'southward lovely hair.

  1. Why does Della turn pale for a moment equally she hears Jim's step on the stair?

Ans. On hearing Jim's pace on the stair, she became pale for a moment as she was scared of Jim'southward reaction to her having cutting and sold her hair. Her hair was one of the prized possessions of their household in improver to Jim's aureate scout. She wanted to buy a good gift for Jim, something worthy of him. Despite saving upwards for months, all that she had was one dollar and lxxx-vii cents. Catching sight of her reflection in the pier-glass gave her the idea of selling her hair.

8. Why does Della say, "My hair grows so fast, Jim" in "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry?

Ans. Della says, "My hair grows so fast, Jim" in O. Henry's 'The Gift of the Magi' to reassure Jim that her hair would grow back soon and she would be able to apply the beautiful tortoiseshell combs he bought for her hair. The combs that she had long coveted without the slightest hope of having them for herself, are hers now. Even so, the beautiful tresses, in which the combs were just the right shade to wear in have vanished. Hugging the combs to her bosom, she says, " My hair grows and so fast, Jim! "

ix. Discuss the indications that the couple is poor in "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry.

Ans.  There are several indications that the couple is poor in 'The Gift of the Magi'. Jim earns twenty dollars a week which isn't plenty for them to run into all their requirements. They alive in a apartment for which they have to pay a hire of $viii every week. Della bargains while buying provisions for the business firm, and so she can save a fleck there. Jim requires an overcoat and gloves. Della'south dress are old. The furniture in the flat is former and shabby. On Christmas, Eve Della counted her savings 3 times and saw that she only had one dollar and 80-seven cents. She sold her precious hair to buy a gift for Jim. Similarly, Jim too didn't have coin to buy a adept souvenir for Della. He sold his family heirloom to buy combs for her.


The souvenir of the magi of import questiom-answers for upcoming Test


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